I'll also still use acrylics for the inside of the tree. Acrylics allow me to use multiple colors quickly and freely without them mixing together (even if they come in contact with one another). I want the inside to consist of multiple shapes, lines, colors and textures. I want the colors to be in their purest form so they are strong and vibrant. I'm trying to create a sort of multiplicity or movement - free flowing, raw and expressive. And in contrast, I want the areas around the tree to be very still, beautiful, calm and almost bland.
The shape of the tree itself is also important to me. I draw and re-draw for hours (no idea why it takes hours - I just keep drawing and drawing and drawing until I think it looks "right"). I use white chalk on the canvas so I can easily wipe it off and draw again. I like interesting and slightly odd or awkward curves and lines.
The challenge will be painting inside of the tree freely and expressively without going beyond the boundaries of the tree itself.
Why do I all of the sudden feel like I'm philosophizing and writing in metaphors??? Who knew I could get so deep about a tree painting...
Anyway, I finished creating the shape of the tree last weekend and now I get to figure out how to best go about unleashing the shapes, colors and textures!
I'll keep ya posted :)